
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Leona,who died last month at 87,pictured with her Maltese Trouble

Trouble is following Leona Helmsey's dog Trouble to which Ms. Helmsley left 12 million dollars.Yes,12 million US dollars. Leona's beloved pooch may not see all of its 12 million dollars,that is if housekeeper Zamifira has anything to do with it.

Helmsley's former housekeeper Zamfira Sfara is suing Leona's dog, claiming that Trouble bit her numerous times to the point that she has suffered permanent nerve damages in her hand.Ms.Sfara sued her employer Ms.Helmsley back in 2004 for dog bites,but the judge ruled in Leona's favor. So now that Ms. Helmsley is deceased, Sfara sees a new opportunity for re-opening the dog case.

That is the next step,that dog got money. That money is going to be taken away from that dog.-Remus pop,zamfira's son

Spoken like a supportive son.

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